Frequently Asked Questions

Resilience is the capacity of Individuals, Communities, Institutions, Businesses and Systems within a city to survive, adapt and grow, no matter what kind of chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience.

Stresses are events the weaken the fabric of the city on a day-to-day or cyclical basis, e.g. High unemployment, inefficient public transportation system, water shortage etc.

Yes. Some of the priority stresses residents of Lagos experience include:
. Unemployment/Underemployment
. Formal/Informal Economic Contestation
. Erratic Power Supply
. Inadequate Physical and Social Infrastructure
. Traffic Congestion
. Inadequate Health System
. Overpopulation/Overcrowding
. Inadequate Public Transport
. Inadequate Water and Hygiene Infrastructure

Shocks are sudden, sharp events that threaten the city, e.g. earthquake, floods, disease outbreaks etc.

Yes. Some of the priority shocks residents of Lagos experience include:
. Economic Crises
. Riot/Civil Unrest
. Coastal Erosion
. Rainfall Flooding/Severe Storms
. Disease Outbreak
. Building Collapse
. Forced Evictions
. Major Road Accidents
. Urban Fires